Building Communities With Amenities People Love
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Metro Districts:

Ensure neighborhoods have parks and open space, trees, trails and paths, community gardens, pools and more.
Fund and build public infrastructure such as streets, safe crosswalks, sidewalks, and water and sewer lines and connections that are essential for functioning neighborhoods.
Create more affordable housing options by serving as a cost-effective public financing tool to build large-scale housing developments.
House millions of people in Colorado in one of over 2,200 districts.
More About Metro Districts
What People Say


Reunion in Commerce City

“My family and I love this community for the running trails, the open space, the golf course and our great neighbors who are like family to us. When we were shopping for a home, this was the only place where we could afford to get that many benefits and the amount of house we needed for our family.”
Mizraim, 47

RainDance Community in Windsor CO

“I have one small kid and chose this neighborhood for its amenities – a pool, playgrounds, a new elementary school that will be built, and quick access to a golf course. The additional property tax I pay is negligible compared to the benefits this community offers.”
Andrew, 32

RidgeGate in Lone Tree

“We moved to Ridgegate for the amenities such as trails, parks, maintained roads, and recreation. The districts in the area make these amenities possible which we pay for through our property taxes. Without a metro district, many of the amenities would likely not be available.”
Mel, 65

RidgeGate in Lone Tree

“All of the homes, affordable housing, civic facilities, retail, art, parks and open space, corporate campuses and light rail transit connections in RidgeGate were only able to happen due to the special district structure, given that municipalities and utility districts rely on these developer districts to fund and build public infrastructure to support new growth.”
Keith Simon

Chair of the Homeownership Opportunity Alliance

"Our workforce is moving further and further away to afford a home. Colorado is experiencing a workforce housing crisis, and we must come together to ensure everyone has access to achieve their dream and begin their pathway to the middle-class. Metro districts are an important, integral tool required to spur building workforce housing and supply a lifeline to kick-off development projects."
Dave Davia



Bill aims to bar metro district developers from buying bonds they approved as district directors

"Metro districts are an important part of the affordability puzzle and have helped thousands of Coloradans live in newer communities...
"Metro districts are an important part of the affordability puzzle and have helped thousands of Coloradans live in newer communities...
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Bill aims to bar metro district developers from buying bonds they approved as district directors

"Metro districts are an important part of the affordability puzzle and have helped thousands of Coloradans live in newer communities...
"Metro districts are an important part of the affordability puzzle and have helped thousands of Coloradans live in newer communities...
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A photo of Highlands Ranch
Featured Metro District



In 2021, the Highlands Ranch Metro District achieved their goal of paying off all outstanding debt – and they did it four years early. At the District’s inception, a Facility Plan was created to provide a detailed cost estimate of the entire “base” infrastructure necessary to serve Highlands Ranch throughout its build-out. The $185 million Facility Plan included construction of arterial roadways and parkway landscaping, trails, parks, traffic signals, stormwater channels, and two fire stations. The metro district accomplished all of this infrastructure and these amenities, leading to the thriving community it is today.
Read Full Article Here
Swimming Pools
Food & Dining
Shopping & Retail
Trails & Paths
Sports & Field
Parks & Open Space
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